Used buying guide for the Aprilia RST1000 Futura.
In 2019 there are very few Aprilia RST1000 Futuras to be had, anywhere. In the UK a quick search recently (March 2019) revealed there were three for sale at approximately £2,000 – £3,000. In the USA a brief search yielded another three Futuras for sale for $2,500-$5,000. As with all bikes with short production runs […]
Aprilia Futura – Checking the age of a bike Many Aprilia Futuras spent a long time hanging around on showroom floors waiting to be sold. Some spent years being shifted from dealer to dealer – even country to country in an effort to find buyers. There may even still be new Futuras gathering dust in […]
Aprilia Futura – Magazine road tests and write-ups The Aprilia RST1000 Futura fared quite well in road tests around the world when it was launched in 2001 and many of these tests are still available to see online. This page is the largest and most comprehensive archive of Aprilia Futura online road tests and write-ups […]
The Aprilia RST1000 Futura came equipped with the best seat in the business, as any owner will tell you. But it appears there were differences over the production run. The most obvious difference came with the RS Touring, the cosmetic makeover of the Futura that launched in 2003 – see Futura model history for more […]
Though it can feel a little top heavy at slow speeds – inevitable with a bike that carries its weight high up – the Aprilia Futura handles in a similar manner to any other Aprilia Vee twin – well. The bike is stable at almost any speed, and the factory panniers don’t affect the way […]
How fast is an Aprilia Futura? The old question: How fast does it go, mister? This page covers what a standard Futura will do, and what you can do to make it accelerate faster, build torque or both. Well, one road test is pretty much like another, so here are the vital statistics from Bike […]
The Aprilia Futura is, after all, Italian, so you you can’t expect it to be reliable, right? Wrong! One problem with building a site like this is that it tends to list faults more than good points. That’s for two reasons: * The fact that many owners have clocked up very high mileages on their […]
The Aprilia RST 1000 Futura has a stated tank capacity of 21 litres and is designed to run on 95 RON unleaded petrol. Reserve kicks in at less than four litres, when the light comes on. Fuel consumption varies from bike to bike, and also how you ride. Expect around 140-160 miles to reserve from […]
Aprilia Futura – Touring The Aprilia RST1000 Futura is not a bike that needs to be wrapped up in cotton wool and as many owners have discovered, it can do big miles, often at speed and always in comfort. And those miles don’t have to be on perfect roads – some owners have steered their […]
Aprilia Futura – Parallel imports (UK market) Many Aprilia Futuras sold in the UK were parallel imports intended for another country. There may even still be a handful knocking around at dealers. It naturally follows that many used bikes offered for sale will also be parallels. Parallel imports were brought in by dealers (as opposed […]